Monday, July 21, 2014

About HAMAS and Israel (Middle East's War)

     This blog is for Kpops informations. Sekarang menjadi diluar konteks karena jujur, saya mulai gerah dengan adanya pemberitaan dia televisi Indonesia. Entah ada atau tidak pemberitaannya di televisi luar negeri.

     Ini mengenai pemberitaan penyerangan Israel kepada Palestine. Apakah Anda yang menjudge Israel tahu bahwa Palestine mempunyai dua fraksi? Dan tidak tahukah Anda yang menjudge Israel buruk, bahwa Palestine sendiri sudah berdamai dan mendapatkan wilayahnya sendiri yang sudah diberikan oleh Israel?

     Palestine mempunyai dua fraksi, Fattah (jika saya tidak salah) dan HAMAS. Saya mendengar tentang ini di Gereja. Dan saya pikir ini sangat penting untuk dishare kepada kalian agar tidak terus-terusan membela yang salah. Ini bukan karena saya Kristen, tapi karena saya tidak ingin terjadi lebih banyak kesalah pahaman. Fraksi Fattah ini sudah berdamai dengan Israel. Mereka juga sudah mendapat 7 kota dari Israel sebagai tempat kediamannya. Tinggal berdampingan dengan Israel. Sampai saat ini mereka (Fattah dengan Israel) tetap damai, tidak ada peperangan diantara mereka. Kecuali dengan Hamas.

     Hamas adalah fraksi yang mengorbankan ibu-ibu dan anak-anak untuk menjadi korban dengan iming-iming jihad, mati sahid, martir atau apalah itu. Tapi ternyata merekalah yang sebenarnya teroris. Pastur saya mempunyai teman di Palestine, orang Yahudi, orang Yordan dan semacamnya. Dan beliau mengatakan bahwa pembalasan penyerangan yang dilakukan Israel hanya pengusiran nyamuk. Katanya, "kami hanya sedang mengusir nyamuk. Mereka menggigiti kami, jadi kami usir". Beliau mendapat informasi ini langsung dari temannya yang berada di sana.

     Sekarang saya bertanya, kenapa Israel melakukan yang menurut kalian penyerangan?

     Ada akibat, pasti sebelumnya ada SEBAB, bukan? Kenapa tiba-tiba Israel membom jalur Gaza? Pasti ada sebabnya dong, tidak mungkin Israel tiba-tiba menyerang jalur Gaza. Kenapa Israel membom rumah sakit yang disana terdapat banyak ibu-ibu, anak-anak, orang sakit, lansia dan sebagainya? Karena Hamas sendiri bersembunyi disana.

     Pada mulanya, 3 orang remaja kependudukan Israel diculik dan dibunuh, mungkin Israel masih sabar dan mengatakan, "beneran nih?". Lalu Israel dibom oleh Hamas, mereka masih berkata, "beneran nih?". Kemudian Hamas berlindung di rumah sakit seperti yang saya bilang sebelumnya. Israel mengatakan, "jangan bersembunyi di sana. Jika ingin perang keluarlah" tapi Hamas tidak merespon apa-apa, malah menembakkan rudal lagi dari rumah sakit. Setelahnya, BAAANGG! Israel membalas tembakkan rudal dari Hamas. Sekali lagi, HAMAS bukan Palestine.

     Jika Anda ingin tahu, Hamas adalah fraksi yang SANGAT GIAT. Sangat giat, tapi tidak untuk kebaikkan, melainkan giat untuk berperang, giat untuk membunuh, giat menjadi teroris dan semacamnya. Kenapa Hamas melakukan tindakkan yang saya katakan bodoh, karena mereka ingin mendapatkan dana dari luar negeri. Mereka ingin mendapatkan senjata baru dan jitu dari luar negeri agar bisa berperang. Mereka juga telah membuat negara kita ikut-ikutan perang, bukan? Dan sangat disayangkan pemberitaan selama ini, "KARENA TIDAK DIBERIKAN WILAYAH OLEH ISRAEL", "PERANG WILAYAH" jujur, kenapa Indonesia lagi-lagi mau dibodoh-bodohi dengan pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab? Memang saya benarkan bahwa Israel tidak memberikan daerah yang diminta oleh Hamas. Apa itu? Yerussalem, kota suci orang Israel.

    Mungkin ilustrasinya seperti ini,

Hamas : "kami ingin Yerussalem"
Israel   : "tidak bisa, Yerussalem adalah                    kota suci kami"
Hamas : "Yerussalem juga kota suci                           kami"

Karena Israel tidak memberikan Yerussalem kepada Hamas, munculah peperangan dan berita yang salah. Saya sangat bingung kenapa malah ketegangan ketegangan tidak penting justru muncul di negara kita. Saling menjatuhkan agama, menjelek-jelekan Israel.

      Pertanyaan lagi dari saya.
1. Mengapa Israel ada lagi wilayahnya?
2. Mengapa Israel tidak kalah perang?
3. Mengapa orang-orang Israel cerdas-cerdas?

     Jawaban saya.
1. Di kitab suci kami sudah dijelaskan bahwa Israel adalah negara pilihan Tuhan. Itu sudah terjadi dari jamannya Musa. Israel sudah terlanjur menjadi kota sucinya Allah. Israel juga diberkati Allah.
2 & 3. Karena siapa yang mengutuk Israel, dia akan dikutuk oleh Allah. Siapa yang memberkati Israel, dia akan diberkati oleh Allah. Ini Allah sendiri yang mengatakannya dalam Perjanjian Lama dengan Abraham. Manusia yang mengutuk Israel, yang balas mengutuk lagi bukan manusia, tapi langsung Allah yang mengutuk. Jadi hati-hati yang bilang, "Israel biadab", "Israel..." apapun bentuk pengutukan kepada Israel akan dikutuk. That's why Indonesia dengan Amerika Serikat jauh berbeda. Amerika Serikat juga negara yang banyak penduduknya, banyak perbedaannya, negara yang besar juga. Tidak kalah dari Indonesia. Orang-orang Amerika lebih banyak yang pintar dan mereka jauh lebih maju daripada Indonesia karena mereka memberkati Israel dan memberkati orang Yahudi (orang-orang Israel). Dan sebagian banyak penduduk Amerika juga orang Yahudi. Tidak seperti Indonesia, sedikit pemberitaan yang salah tentang Israel, langsung menjudge segala macam tentang Israel. Dan alasan ini juga menggaris bawahi tentang kekalahan Jerman dalam perang dunia ke-2. Hitler dan Jerman kalah karena salah satu faktornya adalah telah membunuh orang Yahudi karena sakit hatinya kepada orang Yahudi. Memang tidak sepenuhnya salah Hitler, tetapi nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Tuhan sudah menetapkan Israel menjadi negara pilihan-Nya.

     Sudah cukup panjang sepertinya, saya tidak bermaksud memojokkan salah satu agama, tapi kalo merasa tersindir itu urusan masing-masing. Intinya, saya tidak ingin terjadi lebih banyak kesalah pahaman lagi. Apalagi sampai menghina atau mengutuk Israel lagi, karena serem banget bro balasannya dari Tuhan.

     Itu urusan mereka, kita punya urusan negara sendiri yang harus diselesaikan. Kenapa Indonesia gencar-gencarnya menyumbang dana untuk Hamas, sedangkan di Indonesia masih banyak yang harus dibantu baik dalam hal moril ataupun materi. Saling menghormati aja sih satu sama lain. Kalau mau dihargai orang lain, hargai dulu diri sendiri. Kalau agamanya ingin dihargai, hargai dulu peraturan yang ada dalam agama masing-masing dan lakukan peraturan itu.


Friday, June 27, 2014

My Comment About Girls' Generation's TAEYEON and EXO's BAEKHYUN

    Alright guys. I know you've already known about their gossip and fact. What is it? They were dating, right. Here's the picture that I took from google :

     Well, I'm also a fangirl but no EXO's. I'm still thinking what will happen to me if Donghae from Super Junior come for date with a girl. What will happen with ELFish --Donghae's fandom (read here >> SM Town Personal Fandom's Name)-- if someday he marry a girl. 

     I think not only me that thinking like that. Hey sist, bro, mamen, I know it's very hard for us whom love our bias so deep. But hey, they're still human, they're still life till now, they're still need the one whom love him/her more, just one. They need a reality too. They're need fiance, wife/husband, soulmate. It's very very hard, I knew it. But, yeah, like my reason.

     If Taeyeon and Baekhyun were dating, was it a sin? No I guess. They kept it secret (before Dispact caught them were dating) because they need privacy, they're not free like us, like you maybe like me too. Too hard to have a boy/girlfriend in Korean Agency. Not all of their life we have to know. Sometimes we have to move-over our selfish, our ego. Remember! They have to breath.

     Maybe my last point, "it is our bias' love and life story, let them choose the best way that they think it's the better way" What we've to do are support them whatever/what matter they do (if you're no karbitan ^ ^), think positive about them, Hope the best things for them and I guess pray for the better way for them lah. That's all I want to say. Think wise and don't make it to be fanwar! *peace out*

Super Junior’s Shindong Will Be Leaving Radio Show After 6 Years


     Super Junior member Shindong will be leaving his MBC radio show “Shindong’s Shim Shim Ta Pa” after six years. The next DDJ for the show will be Jung Joon Young

     While a representative of MBC said that Shindong’s departure and the new DJ have not been confirmed, it has been reported that the radio show’s staff and Shindong have discussed the matters already. Reasons for leaving the show include Shindong’s desire to focus on his work with Super Junior and his entrance to military conscription. 

     After appearing for the first time on “Shim Shim Ta Pa” with Kim Shin Young back in 2008, he became the one-man DJ for the show up until now.

     Jung Joon Young was chosen to lead the show as he has become the new favorite entertainer through his variety show appearance in “1 Night and 2 Days.”

Source :

Kim Heechul Admits to Knowing about Taeyeon and Baekhyun’s Relationship

Kim Heechul Admits to Knowing about Taeyeon and Baekhyun’s Relationship 

     Kim Heechul admitted to knowing about Taeyeon and Baekhyun‘s relationship a month before it was revealed by the media.

     On the social commentary show “War of Words” for which he is a regular panel member, Heechul said that he knew about the relationship between Taeyeon and Baekhyun, voicing his opinions cautiously. 

     Heechul, who is a close friend of Taeyeon, said, “the biggest reason why the fans feel so hurt by this news is that they were obvious about it on their social media sites so the fans could know,” adding carefully, “of course there are things people are making up, but there are things that are true, which is why the fans are feeling betrayed.” He also said that he personally thinks there’s no need to throw hints about a romantic relationship, that to have a relationship without much trouble, the involved party should be more careful with what they say. 

     He revealed that he knew about their relationship for a month, as he happens to be really close to both Taeyeon and Baekhyun. 

Heechul War of Words

Fan Accounts Tell of Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon Tearfully Apologizing to Fans at Airport

Fan Accounts Tell of Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon Tearfully Apologizing to Fans at Airport

     According to Girls’ Generation fan accounts, member Taeyeon was visibly distressed and trying to apologize to her fans at Gimpo International Airport.

     Taeyeon and the other Girls’ Generation members were at the airport on their way to Japan for their “Japan 2rd Tour 2014.” According to one fan account that has been spreading through Twitter and other social networking sites, “As soon as Taeyeon arrived at the airport she looked around for her fans and tried to talk to them. She told her fans that she had wanted to apologize to them but her agency was keeping her quiet and that she would find a way to communicate with them soon.” According to the fan, despite her manager’s attempts to stop her, Taeyeon managed to talk to her fans for one minute, apologizing multiple times.

     On June 19, Dispatch released photos of Taeyeon and EXO‘s Baekhyun together in Taeyeon’s car. SM Entertainment confirmed that the two had recently started dating. However, fan reaction have been mixed and sometimes volatile. Although Taeyeon did write an apology in her Instagram, both her and Baekhyun have remained mostly silent since the news.

     Well, what do you think guys? If you ask me, I'll tell you that whoever our bias they NEED privacy and NEED their reality. They're still human and they're still need fiance or soulmate. Think about it twice, please. Look how pity they're, not free to have a boyfriend/girlfriend like us, like you and me. Sometimes we have to moveover our ego. Well, what we have to do just hope the best things for them.

Source :

Taeyeon Addresses Her Relationship with Baekhyun on Instagram

After unexpected news of Girls’ Generation Taeyeon’s relationship with EXO’s Baekhyun broke out yesterday, many fans have expressed their point of view on the matter. It seems that Taeyeon felt the need to address fans about it, and took to her Instagram to do so.

     In the comments section of her Instagram account, Taeyeon expressed, “Sone. You were very surprised and hurt because of me today, right..I’m so sorry for making you feel feelings that you didn’t have to, and the news that came out today because I wasn’t a bit more careful. I really wanted to apologize. I’m really sorry for hurting you..”

     She continued, “I think you feel many different feelings, like disappointment, anger, hatred, frustration, and dejection..I can accept it all and I want to apologize because, I don’t know if it’s just what I think, but you must have liked, trusted, supported, and put just as much effort and strength [into me] as well.

     In the next comments, she wrote, “No matter what I say right now, it could all be interpreted differently..I’m not trying to explain myself, I just want to say something so that you can stop getting hurt at least one day earlier..about the things I post on Instagram, for which I had absolutely no such intentions. Things like, ‘I must have enjoyed posting such obvious pictures,’ and ‘I ridiculed the fans.’ There seems to be a lot of people who think this way so I wanted to let you know that was never my intention or goal..”

It appears that many fans began to suspect Taeyeon and Baekhyun of posting covert pictures and messages, connecting their Instagram posts to one another. Some even believed the two were purposely doing it to ridicule their fans, but Taeyeon wanted to explain that was not her intention at all.

Source :

Netizens Connect Taeyeon’s Oreo Reference with EXO’s Baekhyun

Netizens Connect Taeyeon’s Oreo Reference with EXO’s Baekhyun 

     The internet was in a frenzy earlier today with reports spilling out on Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon and EXO’s Baekhyun relationship, which SM Entertainment later confirmed. A representative stated, “They had a close junior and senior relationship and recently starting dating.”

     The last post Taeyeon had on her Instagram was earlier this morning at 2 a.m. (KST) with a photo of two oreos and the message “I’m also going to go crazy because of you today #oreo.”

taeyeon baekhyun

     After the relationship news broke out, netizens immediately connected it with Baekhyun as his name in Chinese means white (白 = Baek) and black (玄 = Hyun). Netizens started going through their social media accounts to see what else they could dig up. Previously, Baekhyun posted a photo of his birthday cake which included two oreos.

 taeyeon baekhyun 2

Updated: SM Confirms, Girls’ Generation Taeyeon and EXO Baekhyun Are Dating

Update: After the news took the internet by storm, SM Entertainment has stepped in and confirmed that the two labelmates are dating. A representative told OSEN, “They had a close junior and senior relationship and recently starting dating.”


     Girls’ Generation member Taeyeon (25) and EXO’s Baekhyun (22) are reportedly dating.

     Since last year, various Girls’ Generation and EXO fans had suspected as such, posting on forums and fan sites images of ‘Taeyeon Baekhyun evidence.’ The ‘evidence’ includes pictures of the two SM artists together, looking at each other lovingly, the two with couple items like cell phones, bracelets, headphones, and sunglasses, and screencaps of their SNS posts, where they use cute nicknames for each other: Taenggu and Baekoong. Fans further suspected a romantic relationship between Taeyeon and Baekhyun, as the EXO member is only following Taeyeon on Instagram among all the Girls’ Generation members.

     On the morning of June 19, Dispatch released photos of the two on a late night car date after the end of the EXO concert this past May 26. They were also photographed spending time together on May 28, prior to Girls’ Generation flying out to Japan. According to their report, Baekhyun and Taeyeon have been dating for about four months.

     The report says that Taeyeon and Baekhyun have known each other for about three years, since Baekhyun entered SM as a trainee. Reportedly, they started showing interest in October of last year. According to a source, who was said to be someone close to the two idols, “Their mutual interest started near the end of last year, and they started dating since sometime this past February.”

     Despite their age difference, they act more like close friends. According to another acquaintance of the two, “Baekhyun calls Taeyeon ‘Taenggu,’ and Taeyeon calls Baekhyun ‘Bae Kyun’ or Baekoong.”

SM Entertainment is currently preparing an official statement.

 Source :